Its Not Just for Bears
Brumation is often referred to as bearded dragon "hibernation" but it is not the same thing as what mammals go through in snowy winter months. There are many concerns among new dragon owners regarding the winter months when their dragon seems to eat, drink and move around less. Dragons entering brumation often sit in one spot all day long lazily and sleep for days/weeks/sometimes a month. In my experience this occurs in winter months only, with our dragons often through the months of November-February. The days get shorter and colder and they just seem to slip into it. Not all dragons brumate, some go their entire lives without doing it. Some dragons brumate yearly. It is perfectly normal either way, but keep in mind there can be other reasons your dragon is not eating and being lethargic, like a parasite. A vet’s consultation is the best choice if you think that might be the case and sometimes it is hard to tell.
The Kids Aren't Alright
It is important to remember that dragons under 1 year old do not brumate. Small dragons have to have food and water daily or their small body's will waste away where as adult dragons have the fat stores to survive not eating for longer periods of time. If your hatchling or juvenile bearded dragon is lethargic, not moving, not eating or drinking for days on end, see a reptile vet immediately as it is more than likely a parasite. In adults if brumation last longer than a month I would consult a reptile vet to be on the safe side.
Do's and Dont's
You will hear ideas about what you should or shouldn’t do when a dragon is in brumation. I have heard some crazy things people do during brumation that I in no way agree with.
· You should not put your dragon in a tub in the closet or attic, or basement during brumation
· You should not purposely try to trick your dragon into brumation when it is not winter time in order to make them more eager to breed at different times of the year
· You should not turn off all of their lights and stop giving them food or water
· You should gently wake them up periodically and offer food and water with a once a week warm bath
· You should not put your dragon in a tub in the closet or attic, or basement during brumation
· You should not purposely try to trick your dragon into brumation when it is not winter time in order to make them more eager to breed at different times of the year
· You should not turn off all of their lights and stop giving them food or water
· You should gently wake them up periodically and offer food and water with a once a week warm bath