Today was the last day of the NorCal Reptile Expo and it was a blast! There were dozens of vendors and hundreds of reptiles. There were educational/rescue reptile booths as well as breeders and vendors. My son held a snake courtesy of Shedskin Reptiles. I got to hold this amazing and sweet Tegu from For Goodness Snakes. Which was amazing because I held him years ago at my first reptile expo. I was super young and soaking wet because it was pouring out. And company called Classroom Safari was there with lots of cool animals. I bought some adorable Horny Toad jewelry from The Horny Toad Connection, And I made one reptile purchase at the show too! I bought this amazing red male breeder from Augie & Amy's Dragons. Check out the rest of the photos from the Expo in the slideshow. Thanks to everyone that I hung out with at the show! Vendors List Augie & Amy’s Dragons Rainbows R Us Ball Life Rich McColl’s Serpents Barsch Tropicals J&W Reptile Rescue Reptile Room For Goodness Snakes East Bay Vivarium Geckogen Sensational Pets Classroom Safari JFK Dragons Jim’s House Of Retics Layne Labs Moonshine Reptiles Shedskin Reptiles TJ’s Creations Paleofantasy Art JL Exotics Village Pet Shop Bay Gecko Zoomed Reptilemania Lick Your Eyeballs The Horny Toad Connection Royal Gecko Silicon Valley Turtle & Tortoise Club Reptile Avenue ARea Reptiles Glitter Tattoo by Laila BARRS Solar City Central Valley Reptiles TCA Exotics West Coast Chameleon Bros Alan Bosch Reptiles Silkworm Farm
![]() I am a bearded dragon breeder, who is passionate about their care. I am not a veterinarian. My website is based on my experience. My advice should not be taken in place of advice from a reptile vet. This website's contents are meant to be informative and helpful. If you have an emergency regarding your reptile please contact reptile specialist veterinarian. Any person taking advice from my website does so at their own risk. Any person who is verbally abusive or uses inappropriate language will be banned from this site. Be kind to one another, thank you. -Bearded Dragon Lady The Early Bird gets...the Coolest ReptilesI left home when it was still dark and got to see the sunrise one the way down to LA. I wanted to make sure I would get there early. And its a good thing I did because the line got HUGE fast. I waiting in line for over an hour and it started to get hot fast, everyone was getting tired of standing in the sun and then finally they let us through to the area where you buy tickets, and then....another line. Of course I was constantly posting pictures on Instagram and then finally I got to go inside! Zero is the new number OneWe went to visit Josh D , who as always is full of knowledge and a very nice guy, always willing to talk. To our happy surprise he was selling 2 dragons of the new morph called "Zero". I fell in love and I knew I wasn't leaving without one of them. I chose the male and he should be ready to breed in a few months. I am so excited to add this guy to our dragon family. So Many Vendors...So Little TimeI did get a new little girl to add to my group, though she wont be ready to breed for a few years as she is just a hatchling. She is a stunning red Classic Translucent, from the first stink-eye she gave me I knew she was meant for me. I stopped at a few non-reptile booths too, like this guy that had crazy T-rex and other animal T-shirts. I got a new Lizard pin and a hat from Josh D's wife! And of course we renewed our membership to U.S.A.R.K if you don't know who they are go to their site, sign up and help reptile keepers around the USA have the right to breed and keep reptiles. Super Show Slide ShowThere is a slide show below of a bunch of different critters at the show. The Drive HomeSunrise with Bearded Dragons on a road trip, doesn't get any better than this. ![]() I am a bearded dragon breeder, who is passionate about proper dragon care. I am not a veterinarian. My website is based on my experiences. My advice should not be taken in place of advice from a licensed reptile vet. This website's contents are meant to be informative and helpful and if you have an emergency regarding your bearded dragon please speak to a reptile specialist veterinarian as soon as possible. Any person taking advice from my website does so at their own risk. Any person who is verbally abusive or uses inappropriate language will be banned from this site. Be kind to one another, thank you. -Bearded Dragon Lady I know this is last year's show but I had so much fun and loved meeting some of my followers so I had to bring this blog over from it's old home to this one. Reptile Heaven Day 1 I arrived in San Diego and dropped my stuff off at the hotel and went right over to the show. There was a huge line to get into the Reptile Super Show, but I got there early! I got my 2-day wrist band and couldn't wait to get in, I got my swag bags and waited. I did not go to sell this year I did not want to travel that far with dragons and just wanted to get to walk around, see what's new and make some new reptile purchases for future breeding projects. I of course had to stop at the reptile jewelry and get a new ring. Meeting and Instagram FollowerLeah Michelle @lmhboo stopped me looking at the reptile jewelry and said "Oh my god its you!" It was crazy to have that happen I loved meeting her, and of course answering her questions on feeder bugs. A New Dragon MorphI did get to hang out with Josh D from Phantom Dragons a bit, he's a really nice guy. If you don't know who that is, he is a very well known exotic bearded dragon breeder known well in the dragon breeding community. He had a new type of dragon morph at the show that sold for $3,500 that he created with a breeder out of the country. It is similar to a Wiblit, which is a new morph that not too much is known on, but Josh's morph he was tentatively calling a 'Zero' I called her gorgeous! It's a completely blank bearded dragon, no markings of any kind. What I Got on Day 1 Rankins Dragons! I bought 2 females and an unrelated male. Rankins Dragons are like mini bearded dragons, they are full grown at about 10 inches and don't puff out a beard. Sadly when they were shipped to me at home I realized that the male has an arc in his spine, which indicated MBD, so he is being shipped back. I will continue to search for a Male Rankin so I can breed them in the future. I got 2 unrelated female Bearded Dragons from Josh D. The cream colored one is a Dunner Leatherback Hypo and the red one is a Classic Translucent HetHypo. The red girl has a bit of a nip tail but she's adorable. I had them shipped to me as well. Oh Heck No Sorry to those who love bugs but I wanted a shoe, and a can of raid....and a flame thrower. Art is DEAD This artist takes reptiles that have died from natural causes and molds their dead bodies and then makes jewelry, statues, you name it. Cool but freaky. Walking the City I didn't get to sight see in much San Diego, I was so busy as this was a business trip for me, but I did get to take some pretty cool photos from the hotel room and walking to and from the Reptile Show. So enjoy some of my non-reptile photography from the second day before the show started. For those of you that didn't know I made a living as a professional photographer a few years back. Reptile Heaven Day 2 Waiting for the show to open, and charging my iPhone with the iSound mobile charger so my phone doesn't die like yesterday....because if I couldn't share photos with my followers I so sad. Inside I had a brief love affair with a rescued Tegu and fell in love with Uromastyxs. I had a feeling I was going to end up with one...or four of them. S.C.A.R.The Southern California Herpetology Association & Rescue, also known as S.C.A.R. takes in a rehabilitates mistreated reptiles. They were adopting out snakes, bearded dragons, geckos and more at the show. To raise funds for their work they had a raffle and a couch with a giant snake that you could get your photo taken with, or course I did it. Much love to anyone that fosters mistreated animals. Another IG Follower! This is Seth or @sethdls7 on Instagram. He wanted to come up to me and say hi because he follows me. His mom walked up to me and asked, "Are you Christy? From Instagram?" as I was looking at a booth. I laughed and said yes then she introduced me to to her son Seth, his older brother and her husband. I took a quick photo and they asked me all kinds of questions about incubation as their beardie had just laid fertile eggs for the first time. I can't express how much joy I feel when people let me into their lives and help them with their dragons! What We Got on Day 2 Knob-Tail or Levis Geckos! I bought 2, and it is too soon to tell if they are male or female. So these guys will go unnamed for a long while. I love their HUGE eyes. I do want to breed these guys as a species eventually so this is a start. Stay Classy San Diego Spent the night playing with the Uros in the hotel. We had to ship them over night, and both sets of geckos the the next day because I took a plane to San Diego. I had a blast at the show. They all arrived safe and sound on Tuesday, I had a great trip and met so many amazing people! |